Version 1.01
The robots’ site, like most others, uses cookies to make looking at it and reading it more convenient and pleasant.
This Notification About the Use of Cookies is part of our Policy for the Use of Personal Data. There you can find more detailed information about how we protect the data of visitors to our site.
In order for you to be able to find everything you were looking for on Redmadrobot’s site, we need to collect and save information about how people use it. To that end, we use small text files called cookies. Cookies contain small amounts of information and are downloaded by your computer or other device from this site’s server. On every subsequent visit to the site, your browser sends the cookies back to the server. In this way, the system recognizes you and remembers your interests and preferences. You can find more info about cookies and how they work here:
When you visit this site, information can be collected through cookies and in other ways. By remaining on the site, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with these Terms.